Thursday, November 29, 2007

Best Presidential Campaign Ever? (And Giuliani Makes me Feel so French!)

There's no shoo-in yet for either Presidential candidate, but some days it seems like a done deal. Then the tide turns, and it just keeps on turning. These folks are fighting hard. They're no sprouts. We're definitely going to have to stay on our toes for this bunch. It's so much fun, because the more you fine-tune your observations,the more interesting the wide-open possibilities become.

At first it seems obvious that a Democrat has to win. Democrats need to stamp out the mess that Georgie Porgie and his boys have made. For awhile, led on by the media, you thought it had to be the Clintons. "How could Hil-Bill-y lose? All that experience, his calculated charm, her brains!" But then you get vaguely sick just thinking of them in the White House again, her strident voice, her awkward faces, his cockiness, his unzipped pants, his thumb in the air.

So, after hearing a few good sound-bites, you realize that Barack, though young and relatively inexperienced, is hip to the jive and smart as can be. He and Michelle are definitely au courant.That's what we want isn't it? A hip president, son of an anthropologist, someone the Boomers can nurture and cherish?

Then there were those internet questionnaires circulating to help you pick your candidate. Almost everyone I heard of, Republican or Democrat, politically savvy or not, got Christopher Dodd. I suspiciously wondered if the Dodd campaign had designed trick questionnaires, or if Dodd really is the best man for the job. He's thoughtful, smart, dedicated. It's hard not to love him when you hear him in interviews. Not quite telegenic enough?

Then, Bill Richardson takes the stage and you wonder why you hadn't really noticed his presidential-ness before. He's always quick to let you know that he's comfortable as a negotiator on the world stage. Isn't that what we need? A big good-looking guy who's been around the block?

Of course we have to love John and Elizabeth Edwards, especially Elizabeth, who can take the bull by the horns and campaign forthrightly while facing down cancer. Joe Biden has given a lifetime of service to the nation and has the character that comes from overcoming loss and sorrow. Don't forget Dennis Kucinich, who could face down any aliens from Venus who decide to come on home.

But...but...maybe all Republicans aren't so bad either? John McCain certainly isn't bad. He has his badges of courage and his scars from torture and solitary confinement in the Vietnam era. He has really been there and done that. He knows the enemy. He's given the nation years of service.

Mike Huckabee is all of a sudden fascinating, actually pretty astonishing. Can you believe, a Southern Baptist preacher from Hope, Arkansas? He's definitely front and center for me today. His eloquence in last night's debate, his sound and fearless clarification of Biblical allegory and his unflaggingly sensible responses brought me open-jawed out from the kitchen, dish-rag in hand.

Giuliani makes me feel so French- a pied a terre? A menage a deux? So? he's committed a few "crimes" of the heart- ain't love grand? And on top of that, you get a feeling that he could face down Tony Soprano, overlook some things, make a deal. We kinda need that too, don't we?

Mitt Romney has the looks. But his hurt-little-boy-look is getting on my nerves. How smart is he, really? Most candidates' flip-flops can be forgiven as human, but Mitt's steadfast Mormonism does not provide a logical backdrop for his changes on major issues like abortion. If you are steady in your beliefs, and you are selling yourself that way, then you better REALLY be steady. He's not.

Fred Thompson's lazy-hazy stardom and his lackadaisical approach are fascinating.Why do it? This is a new style of Presidential candidate- one who doesn't care too much! Then we have the nutty but interesting smartness of Ron Paul, bringing it home that the Constitution should be front and center.

It's just a wonderful run-up to the nominations, and a real education. I'll be sorry when it's over. Can't we just put them all together and pick at least three to be Co-Presidents?

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