Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stop saying Obamakin! It's babytalk!

I really don't like this new Obamakin/Obamacan word. It makes me think of a little Tolkein character, an obomikin, climbing out from his miniature cozy home-sweet-home in a cave under some rocks. It's not a noble enough word for those Republicans who are seriously considering switching allegiances at a critical time in American political history.

I can't believe the media is so fascinated by the word, or that Barack uses the word himself. It's silly but not fun, verging on the ridiculous. Despite Obama's recent very exciting sweep, the use of this infantile word does not bode well for a candidate who wants to woo folks worried about the economy and the Iraq war. Sounds too much like baby talk from a babe in the woods. I hate to think what Hillary and Bill could do with that in Texas and Ohio.

My two year old grand-daughter loves Barack Obama and it might be cute to call her an Obamakin or an Obamakid. But if anyone calls me an Obamakin, an Obamacan or an obomikin, I'm leaving!

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