Wednesday, August 20, 2008

India Daze- Luxurious Rest and Recovery and the Bardo Thodol

I just can’t spring back from my trip- I want to be back in India and actually still am in may ways. I’m in a daze three weeks later, and thank God have been able to succumb to the daze since work doesn’t start again until next week. The first week back I was in a deep miracle-slumber in every molecule and moved around the house in a sylph-like state.

After a few days I went to the vegetable stand near my house for fresh apricots and cilantro, indigenous to Ladakh. After about a week I got the mail out of the mailbox and actually ventured out to the convenience store for milk and coffee. (Real coffee definitely not readily available in Ladakh) After two weeks I went to the big grocery store and got all things that reminded me of Ladakh- good rice, walnuts, barley. Have only tried meat once since India, it's lost its appeal to me for now.

Reading "Tibetan Book of Death and Dying" at Honna's recommendation. I remember the Bardo Thodol from the 60's and variations on it (Leary, Huxley et al) way back then, so it is great to read this version after some forty years.

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